Business Matchmaking
Business Matchmaking Session
China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Lin-gang Special Area(Special Session on Marine Fuel and Fuel Technology)
China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone Lin-Gang Special Area (hereinafter referred to as Lin-Gang Special Area) was officially unveiled on 20 Aug, 2019. Comparing to the most competitive free trade zones and free trade ports all over the world, Lin-Gang Special Area is aiming at constructing the open industry system represented by emerging industrial clusters, new forms of international trade, advanced international shipping and cross-border financial service.
Lin-Gang Special Area Yangshan Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone is the only special comprehensive bonded zone out of total 168 special customs surveillance zones in China. In 2021, the amount of import and export trade in this Zone reached 120 billion RMB, at year-on-year growth rate of more than 30%.
Lin-Gang Special Area Yangshan International Port, known as the largest shipping container volume port, operated more than 4000 times of international vessels and up to 2.28 million TEUs of containers. In Nov, 2021, the State Council unveiled the Guidance of Trials of Business Environment Innovation, allowing Shanghai to issue permits of bonded oil fueling for international shipping. One of largest refiners - PetroChina and one of World Top 500 – Xiamen Xiangyu Group (XMXYG) established respectively one entity in Lingang Special Area, engaging in supply of bonded oil for international shipping.
Yisong Lin, Doctor, senior economist, in charge of Division of Special Comprehensive Bonded Zone (Shipping Division) of Lin-gang Special Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone.
Published two monographs “Practice on International Container Shipping Liner Transport Management” and “Practice on Container Shipping Liner Transport and Management”
Rewarded for “Young International Freight Forwarder of Asian-Pacific Region by FIATA, IATA, TTCLUB”, “National Knowledge Young Talent”, “The Pace-Setter in the Shanghai New Long March”, “Shanghai Knowledge Young Worker”, “The Best 10 Excellent Youth in COSCO SHIPPING LINES COMPANY LIMITED”
Business Matchmaking Session
Special Session for Watercraft Fitting
Business Matchmaking Session
Special Session for Shipping Service
Business Matchmaking Session
Special Session for Watercraft Fitting

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